Thursday, January 15, 2015

back again, only different than before. minneapolis.

Well, fair reader, we did it. We have said goodbye to 2014, and my, what a year it was. Chris made a joke last January after a fateful viewing of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty that we should try to visit 14 countries in 2014. But that joke clung deep in my brain and went from an outrageous idea born of boredom to an active plan. We started in Iceland and ended in Hungary, with many laughs, tears and beers in between.

and haribos. what's a travel day without haribos?
Thanks to the friends who joined us along the way: Anne, Wayne, Laura and Carl in Amsterdam, Bryan and Neil in St. Albans, Brian and Jeff in A’dam, England, Warsaw and Germany, and Jessie in Uijeongbu. You brought adventure to our days and insightful conversation to our nights. And thank you to the 17 new friends we met along the way. You added diversity to a conversation so often carried by only two. And for all of you at home, thank you for not forgetting about us while we were away. Your messages, photos and snaps offered a much appreciated glimpse of another life.

from Bratislava to Minneapolis
For those who prefer bullet points to my pleasantly flowing prose, here are some highlights from our year. In 112 days, we:

-explored 19 cities
-read 10 new books
-drank 315 different beers
-traveled approximately 33,923 miles
-took 19 planes
-8 trains
-9 buses
-10 taxis
-10 metro systems
-walked approximately 720 miles
-learned phrases in 11 languages
-used 9 currencies
-walked, biked, and rode in 13 city tours

6 of our 315 beers

And then there were the tough travel days when we’d miss a plane, get on the wrong train, or have a seat mate that played candy crush on full volume on a five hour flight. We missed Scott’s 40th birthday party, the Zombie Pub Crawl, the World Series, and the biggest blow of all, Thanksgiving. Our apartment lost power. Chris suffered from an eye infection for weeks. We spent a month without experiencing a quality shower. We lost sweatshirts, socks, shirts and scarves. 

all we want is to mail our goddamn postcards.

I share these challenging things today because they were just as much a part of our four month journey as the museums, the views, the architecture and the booze. These less than picture perfect moments do not remotely deter me from planning future treks throughout the world, and I hope they don’t put a doubt in your mind, fair reader, that you, too, should look at a map and pick a destination.

waiting for a tram in Amsterdam and riding a train to vienna
As for goose and I, we are home in Minneapolis where we belong. We are talking about going to Mexico this year. Or maybe Argentina. Or Antarctica. It’s a new year and I have a feeling 2015 is gonna be big. Want to come exploring with us?! If JK Rowling has taught me anything, it's the importance of pursuing that flighty temptress, adventure. 


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