Thursday, September 4, 2014

This is not 'Nam, there are rules. Iceland

Our first stop on our anniversary adventure was Reykjavik, Iceland. This was also our first experience staying in an apartment through Airbnb. We rented out a one bedroom apartment in a quiet neighborhood about a ten minute walk from downtown. Our first night in the new neighborhood we wandered down a funky, charming street in downtown filled with shops, cafes, Chuck Norris themed restaurants and beautiful street art. Our favorite spot was a Big Lebowski themed bar, where we enjoyed pints surrounded by bowling alley decor and reruns of Seinfeld, captioned in Icelandic.

Day two we took a bus tour of The Golden Circle, all around the Southwest of Iceland. The first stop was at a local family owned greenhouse that grows tomatoes year round. Most people on the tour tasted their famous tomato soup. We ordered a beer and a coke. But we were told the soup was incredible.

Next, we visited the Great Geyser and hot springs in Haukadalur. The air smelled strongly of sulfur and the sky was filled with a creepy, mystical haze. We accidentally meandered downwind of the Great Geyser and spent the rest of the tour uncomfortably damp. But it did make for an excellent Iceland Bucket Challenge video.

We also drove through a lava field, stood on the edge of a rushing waterfall called Gulfoss (nicknamed Golden Falls, which I assume means it consists of mostly urine) and lastly we hiked through Þingvellir National Park. There we saw the edge of the Mid-Atlantic ridge, the original site of Parliament, and a beautiful lake where they used to drown witches. Chris tried to push me in, but my cat-like speed and agility won out, as it so often does.

We originally wanted to visit Iceland because of the beautiful adventures in the film The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, which is filmed entirely in Iceland. But we realized very quickly that the short time we had to spend in Iceland would not show us more than a small fraction of the wonders of this quirky, chilly land. Here's hoping there's time for more exploration on our return trip. Skál!


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