Monday, July 16, 2012


Handsome devils

Disclaimer: The following post contains some harsh language. Mom, I apologize, but Barbara Walters and I live by a certain code and we cannot censor the truth. 

There are many things that Katie and I have in common. We both have a deep love for pizza rolls, an appreciation of day drinking and public urination, and, of course, god given good looks, but unfortunately our idea of travel living conditions is not among them. She is perfectly happy with paying 20 euros to share a room with 12 other people with no sense of courtesy or bathing habits, while I would rather spring for a private bedroom where I am free to nakedly clip my toenails in peace. NOTE: Apparently this is still not allowed. 

That is why Barcelona has been so good to us. We shelled out a little extra cash and have spent the last three nights in a 5 star hotel. In hindsight, it wasn't the greatest idea as it's hard to get yourself to leave the hotel room when you're living like a king (every room comes with its own jester). As Katie put it, "I don't remember what my life was like before there was a foot fountain across from my toilet." I'll have to install some sort of bucket at home in our bathroom, or maybe just hire Colin to hang out in there and wash my feet. I imagine he's still unemployed. 

On the few times we were able to pry ourselves away from our palace, we found that Barcelona is a gorgeous city with classic architecture mixed in with modern day buildings. After a confusing experience with the Barcelona metro system, we decided to walk to our destinations yesterday and ended up trekking over 10 miles by the end of the night. Luckily we have that foot fountain. I think the most fascinating thing we've seen here so far is La Sagrada Familia. For those of you that don't know, it's a church that has been under construction for over 130 years. That's insane. So when we went to check it out, there were dozens of cranes and loads of scaffolding surrounding it. I'm not sure what will get finished first, La Sagrada Familia or the 3D puzzle of the Notre Dame I started in 7th grade that I angrily slapped off the table. My money is on neither.

It should also be mentioned that the first time we tried to find Sagrada Familia we didn't really look up "where it was" or "how to get there", and after an hour of searching we stopped for lunch. Goose decided that the best thing to do to welcome us to Spain was to get their special for the day: a liter of Sangria for 9 euros. I balked at this as it seemed like too much, but since we're both stupid Americans who know nothing of the metric system, and whose only experience with liters is "well it's half a two liter bottle so it can't be that much" we naturally purchased it. And naturally it was way too much and we had to head back to the hotel at 2pm due to being as my family puts it: overserved.

Challenge Accepted

Speaking of which, last night we went to Dow Jones an English bar with a Wall Street theme, so much so that the prices of drinks change based on how often they get purchased. So, for example, after Goose ordered a Gummy Bear shot the price went up by .25, while Amstel continued to drop as no one was purchasing it. There was a Dodger game on the TVs and half a Statue of Liberty....statue in the corner. Cue me on my knees in front of it yelling: "Maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you! Goddamn you all to hell!" The bar was mostly full of Americans and Brits that spent most of their time demanding blow job shots and sucking each others faces. Our potential hostel roommates no doubt. 

For today we're hanging in the hotel drinking some wine juice boxes and eating Pringooooals that Goose found at the co-op and then going out for some music and dancing tonight. Tomorrow is the Museo de Historia Barcelona and BEACH DAY before we whisk off on a night flight to Crete for three days, presumably for more beach days and drinking too much sangria.


I can never eat normal Pringles again


  1. Yay Barcelona! You should get the red tour bus day passes and just hop on and off at various locations - it's relatively cheap and it takes you to all of the sites :)

  2. Mmmk. You live a five minute walk from a palatial bathroom complete with foot bath.

    And maybe we are a bit quick to cast judgment on metro systems. Can't a metro system be just average? There must exist somewhere a metro that is not clean but not too dirty, has scuzzy people riding it who appear threatening but don't pickpocket you, and takes a bit longer to navigate than an ideally organized one should--but is still labelled clearly. Please describe such a system soon.
